I'm back home after spending 10 (short )days in Delhi,though Bangalore is much warmer at 23 degrees,the house seems cold. I (strangely) feel drowsy,lethargic, moody,and to top it all suffer from a severe bout of writer's block. I guess it is a hangover of all the excessive enjoyment, food ,tea and travel, that I indulged in. When you have 10 days to do a BANGALORE-DELHI-CHANDIGARH-SHIMLA-DELHI-BANGALORE route,a big(NRI) family wedding to attend,friends and relatives to catch up with in every corner of Delhi,then sleep is a luxury and a waste of time.
The positive thing about going on a short break is that you are not authorized to crib and complain,coz it is considered a severe waste, not even when you spend 5 hrs,hovering above Delhi airport(when it should normally take 3) in queue, like migrants in a ration line, waiting for permission to land ,a window seat then is a boon as Delhi looked breathtaking at night with a million lights sparkling like diamonds and add to that the sight of several other waiting(migrant)planes , flying like fireflies in the sky. One sight I shall never ever forget.
There's something very soothing about the bitter cold in Delhi,and that there are a few things you can’t resist doing…..peeling mattar and eating moongphali while basking in the sun,fighting over who polished off a whole box of Gajak,tucking tandoori aloo parathas at a road side dhaba, the wonderful feeling of slipping into a warmed bed,the weight and warmth of a heavy razai,and being tucked into bed,by your dad,when you are all of 33 yrs old ,mother’s logic that says...."kha lo gajar ka halwa,kuch nahin hoga",visiting old haunts like Nirulas and drolling over the dark and handsome 'Jamaican almond fudge',all over again.Feeling jealous as you see your husband reunite with his NDA course mates and friendships that have lasted 26 yrs...and hoping that one day, I too will boast ……meeting relatives who have seen you when you were knee high and now they see you with a son who is shoulder high…..dancing and singing all four nights before the wedding as if ones’ back and voice were insured for a million dollars.
There’s a small part of me (O.K…I lied.. a huge part of me that’s still in love with Delhi,and every year when I go back,I hope that the city would have changed for the worse, so that I could be happy and content,where I am. Beneath the spit and polish,it isn’t easy to live here. Gallis are common vocabulary and people lovingly call each other mother and sister abusers(and with such panache).so much so that the actual meaning of the sentence is completely lost,trying to keep track of the number of times the person has abused(god knows whom).Hypocrisy and corruption still run free on the huge network of flyovers and roads that adorn delhi,and that the common MAN'S motto clearly seems to be ‘aao lech karen’.But,It’s difficult not to fall for Delhi………for it’s humongous well marked roads ,for the steely metro that flashes and whizzes past you,for all the handrichshaws that will still carry you,when you feel lazy to walk that kilometer,for all the heavenly food right from the road side eatery,to the fine dining creme de la creme places,where when you speak Hindi,it’s good enough to prove that you are an Indian and that people clearly ignore,which side of the country you belong to.
Right now am just looking for remedies to get over a hangover of a different kind!!!!!!!
I know exactly how u feel - Bangalore can do that to people.
Staying here in boxed apartments, where communication with non-family, non-work humans is almost non-existant .... in places where its "cool" to act sophisticated.... around people who ache to eat street food but will only spend 100 times more to step into the most expensive restaurant around ... in a city where the emotional network is restricted to family + 2 friends...
(i can go on and on) ... after living in such a lifestyle, going to an old hangout can be like a new life.
Its just rewarding sometimes to go back to an old place, relive the memories that you've lived over and over in your nostalgia !
But don't worry the effect wears off eventually...and bangalore will start to feel like "home" again...
heyyy gazal!
seems like u have pigged out in delhi!!;-)) good for u! That post of urs is tempting me to fly to delhi very soon!
Abbhhh tho dilli jana hee padegha!!!:-))
‘aao lech karen’ ehehehehe.
Well i was in delhi few days back and really i loved the city. There is something about delhi which makes it very different n lovely in a strange way :)
i will write a post about dilli now... so inspired!
abhi tak maine dilli nahi dekhi! :(
well, but i have always wanted to, and after reading this post, more so.
well, but i, infact everyone, can relate to this post becus it wud remind them of their home (i have a knack for stating the obvious!).
bulls eye analysis....
probably as one grows older,one longs to go back to a place where you have some roots left....
i have moved so many times in the past years that now just want to be in a city,where the streets have familar names...
it sure does.
will wait impatiently.LOL
'the obvious'is your style....
hope you get to go there soon.
Ya well said..even i loved the capital city... in fact fell in love with all those historical places...
and name calling,its commaon everywhere and every language...
take care and god bless..
i've never been to delhi!
i do want to tho! :(
You are hereby prohibited from mentioning Aloo-ka-parathas in your blogs when you know that some of the readers might short-circuit their computers with all the resultant drooling!!
But very nostalgia-evokingly written...Shabash!!
There is something about Delhi that grows on you...you like the city, hate it, abhor it... swear never to return to it... then when you go through it, you get caught up in it - til the next auto wallah swears at you, the spell breaks, you leave, then think about Delhi again and again.....
but in delhi it comes as spontaneously as namaste...
do visit,but in winters.the summers are unbearable....
LOL....i do that so people don't forget that they exist...thanks
so true.....love it hate it...you simply can't get enough of it.
hey gazal!!
take it from me its an Arien promise! will make it to DILLI ;-))
To be frank, I've never heard a lot of people speak good of The capital people's behaviour and vocabulary.. But you're right. Being home is always something different, especially in the presence of loved ones. Heck, the happiness i get when i see the familiar lamp lights as the train chugs into my home town , i'd probably never experience arriving in any other place in India.
First time here and I justhave to say it "I LOVE YOU!!"
Don't get scared. I'm the regular girl with a husband and a child. So no other intentions here *chuckle*
I said so because I LOVE DELHI despite whatever negatives it has. And which place is perfect in this world tell me?
I've lived 80% (or maybe a little more) of my life here and am a staunch Delhite! :)
I spent a crucial one and half year of my life in Delhi, and I hated it then. But I feel that I had a hidden love for it.
THis post is wonderful, and in this post "AAO LECH KAREIN" was the most memorable thing. So true, so so true.
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